HEI ICI Higher Education Institutions Institutional Cooperation Instrument
Capacity Building for Modernizing TVET Pedagogy in Ethiopia
Date :- 30.8.2020
Academic Disciplines :- Teacher Education for Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
Project theme :- Solving the learning crises
Countries :- Finland and Ethiopia
Project Duration :- 1.9.2020 – 31.8.2024
Coordinating Institution :- JAMK University of Applied Sciences, (JAMK) Jyväskylä, Finland
Responsible Coordinator(s) and Contact Details
Project Manager :- Graham Burns Email: graham.burns@jamk.fi
Local Coordinator :- Matiyas Teshome Email: matiyas.teshome@ftveti.edu.et
Partner Institutions :- Federal Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institute (FTI), Ethiopia
Centria University of Applied Sciences (Centria), Finland
Description of the Project
MOPEDE is a capacity building project which is based on the long-term collaboration between the participating higher education institutions (HEIs). According to the Ethiopian Education Development Roadmap (EEDR, 2018) equity seems to be well addressed in TVET gender participation. The female participation, on average, is about 51 %, but female students are enrolled in vocational programs traditionally considered for women. Equity in access between rural and urban population and among different ethnic groups has been improved. In term of access to quality & relevant TVET, there is however serious disparity. Thus, the access should be equitable when citizens in all regions should get training that gives them equal job opportunities for future.
The impact of the project is the following: Accessibility and quality of VET teacher education is improved and modernized around Ethiopia, and thus, the TVET-sector can fully contribute to the aims emphasized in Ethiopian Education Development Roadmap (EEDR, 2018), framework document of Technical Vocational Education and Training for Sustainable Development (TSDP, 2018), and in the Growth and Transformation Plan of Ethiopia (GTP II, 2016).
The specific outcome of the project is that e-learning will be institutionalized in FTI and its 15 satellite colleges, and integrated into their curricula to update teaching and learning methods, and by doing so to support the quality of TVET teacher training around Ethiopia and to increase the access to it. The outcome of the present project will in a long run benefit the whole TVET-system of Ethiopia, as the modern teaching methods are adopted by the students who will be TVET teachers after their education. Furthermore, the project will support development of high-quality education also in rural areas.
1. E-learning Lab will be established to ensure an up-to-date facility for developing e-pedagogy in TVET teaching.
2. E-learning platforms and modules will be established and developed.
3. Pedagogical competence to fully develop and utilize the platform and the LAB will be developed, maintained and strengthened.
4. The institutional support and management for and awareness e-learning will be developed and strengthened.