ሀገር የምትሻገረው ከትንሽ ተነስተው ወደ ትልቅ ኩባንያዎች በሚያድጉ ስራ ፈጣሪ ወጣቶች ነው። ዛሬ ወጣቶች በሰመር ካምፕ የሰሯቸውን የፈጠራ ቴክኖሎጂዎችን የተመለከትን ሲሆን፣ የፈጠራ ስረዎቹም ለኢትዮጵያ ብልጽግና መሰረት የሚጥሉ ናቸው።
Biyyi kan ceetu dargaggoota hojii uumuudhaan waan xinnoorraa ka’anii gara dhaabbilee gurguddootti guddataniinidha. Har’a dargaggoonni turtiisaanii ‘summer camp’ tiin kalaqa teknooloojii hojjetan kan daawwanne yoo ta’u, hojiileen kalaqaa kunneen badhaadhina Itoophiyaaf kan bu’ura ta’anidha.
A nation’s progress is driven by young entrepreneurs who grow their businesses from small ventures into large enterprises. Today, we witnessed the innovative technologies developed by young people at the summer camp, and these creations form the foundation for Ethiopia’s future prosperity.
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